NEWS from ConscienceLAND –

Republic of Conscience

Coming this “Summer Of L.O.V.E.*” – the LONG chain MARCH – to STAND UP and fight the Global War on Pollution.

Led by COMMANDER PANDA, the A-I-Panda (also known as “Wednesday” or LCP the Low Carbon Panda), the “LONG chain MARCH” is a declaration and advocacy team committed to establishing a world-wide Ecological Civilization beginning with China_\!/

The plan is to rebuild the common people’s health, strength and re-connection with the Natural World.



To achieve PeaceHarmonyBalance.com we first must prepare our BalanceForBattle.com . The physical initiation as a Citizen Of Conscience requires “Bonding With the Earth” … you can choose any or all the FUN ways to achieve “ProofOfBalance.com” leading to ProofOfConscience.com

This summer, gather some friends together and participate in a BLOCKCHAINpicnic.com enjoy plant-based food, play balance and connection games like SDGbingo.com and become one of the BareFootEducators.com.

BarefootEducators.com, FootPrintDoctors and BarefootEngineers are all participants in the LONGchainMARCH.com bringing all sectors together on the 17plusONE.com objectives – SolveSDG.com before 2030.


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every BalanceWednesday.com earn your ProofOfBalance.com and your BalanceCoin.com

*L.O.V.E.= Lifestyle Of Voluntary Effort

*the “LONG MARCH” – was a decisive historical action in 1930’s China to circumvent and outsmart a corrupt establishment, gather support from common Citizens of Conscience and identify the Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) required to create a Sustainable World Order and Ecological Civilization.

* The “Long Chain” in BLOCKCHAIN terminology is the authentic chain that the majority support