
Humane Coin offers animal lovers an opportunity to RAISE AWARENESS and RAISE FUNDS to care for the animals they want to help.

The Republic Of Conscience Cares about what YOU care about – if you have a HUMANE project that needs support, send us your proposal and let’s SEE if we can help.



“Our Best Friends” Project

Here’s a breath of fresh air in the fight for the humane treatment of animals – a Part Of the (POSITIVE) Solution Project –  giving the infamous city of Yulin, China an opportunity to turn their fortunes around, and change from the poor image of stealing, torturing and eating dogs into heros who leave behind their barbaric past and celebrate Dogs and their masters from around China and the world as “Our Best Friends” – profiting from increased tourism revenues from generously spending dog lovers_\!/

Why we should have some respect for Dogs, our oldest friends:

“The dog was the first domesticant. Without dogs you don’t have any other domestication. You don’t have civilization.”[56] “Remove domestication from the human species, and there’s probably a couple of million of us on the planet, max. Instead, what do we have? Seven billion people, climate change, travel, innovation and everything. Domestication has influenced the entire earth. And dogs were the first. For most of human history, we’re not dissimilar to any other wild primate. We’re manipulating our environments, but not on a scale bigger than, say, a herd of African elephants. And then, we go into partnership with this group of wolves. They altered our relationship with the natural world.”[57] – Greger Larson  (Wikipedia)

GO TO: Republic Of Conscience “Our Best Friends” Project





Humane Coin is an ethically-based virtual currency –  an effort to promote thinking about how we treat non-human animals, how our money is used in the un-caring economy.



Humane Coin is  ideal for the promotion of a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) including our Validation program for Plant-Based diets available at supermarkets and at Vegetarian and Vegan restaurants around the world.


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