
The CHALLENGE is to solve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 or earlier (see the 17PlusONE Global Goals here)


What are the World Sustainability Project and Citizens of the Republic Of Conscience doing to achieve the SDG Global Goals by 2030?


CHANGE WEDNESDAY – is about change at the level of ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) . Join local “nodes” of the Republic Of Conscience blockchain to freely meet on Wednesdays, SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG and discuss living a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) to earn Caring Currency- Do you want to pariticpate?

Every Wednesday also meet other “Hunter- Gatherers” of the Republic Of Conscience who search their local environment for Products, Places and People that promote LOHHAS living and earn them valuable Caring Currency.


A few definitions from the Republic Of Conscience:

Social Credit = Social Credit is different from and not directly linked, but related to financial credit. Social Credit is earned through deliberate actions, not words or numbers on a spreadsheet – The accumulation of Social Credit indicates your V2S rating.

V2S = “Value to Society” – Citizens will accumulate points of Social Credit when performing positive actions for the benefit of all.

17plusONE – The 17 plus ONE Global Goals, (SDG’s) agreed upon by 195 nations around the world on September 25th 2015 are Blockchain Bethune’s guide. There is nothing in our world more important than addressing the 17 plus ONE Global Goals.

The ONE – The 18th goal is ISRIndividual Social Responsibility – YOU – what are YOU doing in your daily life to help the world achieve the 17 goals by 2030?

LOHHAS – Living a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability LOHHAS


Combining the world’s Global Goals (awareness), the encouragement of Individual Social Responsibility (taking Direct Action) and the simple weekly ritual of SMILE ~ CHANGE ~ UNPLUG every “CHANGE WEDNESDAY” (repetition, purpose and sharing), Blockchain Bethune is trying to help those of us who need a NEW, NON-MONETARY WAY – ( through SOCIAL CREDIT ) – to incentivize / reward / compensate people for their contributions and work supporting our communities and societies,  and most importantly BE PREPARED for the inevitable adaptations required to live a LOHHAS lifestyle (eg Pollution and Climate Change) … finally attracting the benefits of UBI – Universal Basic Income for a Healthier, Happier more Sustainable life.


– SDG HACKATHONS – Hackathons are a great way to Sponsor, Support, List & Promote local programmer-focussed events around the world to come up with INNOVATIVE solutions for the 17 Goals and 165 subgoals of the 195 United Nations.

Recognizing and honoring ALL the participants, their ideas great or small through the AIRdrop Economy of the Republic Of Conscience – distributing Caring Currency to all participants, with the final winners invited to GLOBAL SDG COMPETITIONS.




– ATH Race or “All Time High” Challenge is a completely transparent competition between virtual currencies to reach the top spot on the 17index – the blockchain index of the top 17 Caring Currencies solving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.




SDG2EVEREST is an ATH Climb, with virtual teams of cryptofans VOTING with donations of their favourite tokens directly to pre-registered “Republic Of Conscience” NGO’s and Social Enterprises working on solving the SDG’s.


PLAY THE “SDG to Everest” GAME


Virtually Climb Mt. Everest by recruiting a team of supporters, with everyone donating whatever they want to make their favorite currency No.1.


Meanwhile, “real” teams of people like the EcoEverest Team will carry a variety of SDG Banners to All Time Highs on the REAL mountain. In 2017, the banner reached base camp, establishing the Pop-Up Embassy of the Republic Of Conscience at 5364m and the baseline for the SDGATH.



ALL REGISTRANTS IN LISTED SDG CHALLENGES and Activities receive Caring Currency including SDG Tokens/Coins (see below) administered, curated and distributed under the authorization of the Council Of Care, a transparent, decentalized body of Citizens of the Republic Of Conscience.



All IN, All WINEveryone WINS_\!/

The real life competitors (racers / climbers), the virtual competitors and supporting fans in ATH all win, because pushing the limits of human performance and it values is exciting and meaningful.




PLAY THE Amazing “Race to SDG” GAME


(Also see introduction at )





Amazing Race to SDG “Game” Project – Video from RARA LAKE

1 minute introduction to where the BLOCKCHAIN can make a REAL DIFFERENCE

Part of the SDGchallenge, the Amazing “Race to SDG” is a Quality, Sustainable Tourism program developing the use of Blockchain Technology (Distributed Ledger Technology, DLT) to register, incentivize, record and share the interactions between Caring, Quality Tourists and Local Communities who reflect a LOHHAS lifestyle for the benefit of the whole world.

First, the BENEFIT

These Social Credit interactions are designed to satisfy and benefit the needs of ALL parties and stakeholders –

A.) the desire for the tourist to have a unique, customized experience, transforming tourists from being Part Of the Problem (POP) to clearly being Part Of the Solution (POS) as consicous, respected and truly welcome travellers. Qualifying as a HIGH-QUALITY TOURIST.

B.) the desire of individuals within local communities to be respected, well regarded and to have the opportunity to succeed while remaining a valued member of the community. Qualifying as an “SDG FRIENDLY” COMMUNITY

C.) the need for communities to BALANCE Social, Environmental and Economic realities without losing their self-sovereignty, control over their lives and positive cultural values. HIGH QUALITY of LIFE, RESILIENT LOHHAS COMMUNITIES

D.) the opportunity for individual community members to benefit economically while also contributing to the overall wealth of the community. MANAGING EXPECTATIONS and PROTECTING the COMMONS as Part Of the Solution (POS)

E.) the need to differentiate, protect and promote the Unique Selling Propositions (USP’s) of each community, based on People, Place and Product. INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION OF LOCAL CONSUMPTION.  Accomplished by:

1.) encouraging cultural diversity and authentic presentation and sharing (PEOPLE),

2.) maintaining a beautiful, authentic, unpolluted (physical, visual and sound) environment (PLACE)

3.) promoting exclusive and locally produced product to be consumed and enjoyed within local environmental conditions. (PRODUCT)


[image: Local Rhododendron Drink at Rara Lake, MUGU, Nepal]

V2S – Value to Society – Earning SOCIAL CREDIT in the amazing Race to SDG

Individual Tourists and Community Members will earn “Points” and “SDGTokens” of appreciation from each other as they exchange information about how the Sustainable Development Goals are being addressed and solved in each community, acknowledging and reflecting the collective and Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) of visitors and members of the community.



Each participating tourist and representative community member will download a Caring Currency e-wallet

Destinations desiring to be listed in the Race to SDG will apply for evaluation and qualification by local student teams.

Starting with a limited number of pre-qualified, registered and listed “SDG-Friendly” destinations. Visiting tourists will be guided by the Nepal Tourism Board starting with visits to a set of promotional destinations.


“SDG Friendly” Destinations will be classified in 3 tiers of access for participants to achieve. Staring with 1, then 2 and finally 3.

(1) SDG Traveller – Common and easily accessible, festivals, typical long-term “tourist” destinations

(2) SDG Conscious Adventurer – Uncommon communities off the beaten path, newly identified “must see” communities,  Provincial and National Parks

(3) SDG Responsible Explorer – Exclusive, Restricted Access areas, Special Permits required for Culturally and Environmentally protected areas

Tourist traveling visitors and local community members will receive SDGtokens after completing Quizzes, Tasks or Contributions (QTC’s) at every level. Caring Currency points are non-transferable and cumulative but deactivated after exchange for SDG tokens. Tokens can be received, given and invested. Rankings and Ratings of individuals, enterprises and communities will appear on the SDG17index.


Everyone can visit and build up SDG Social Credit points in 1st level tourism destinations – common destinations and easily accessible festivals and tourism-ready communities. Generally speaking, interactions and tasks at this basic, common level are the least valuable, because they are easily arranged and there is a greater opportunity for interactions to be found – whether they are Quizzes, Tasks or Contributions (QTC’s).  Also, because of the greater complexity of the community and the ease with which individual interactions are obtained, there will be temptations for cheaters to try to misrepresent, shortcut, attempt to buy/sell or otherwise fraudulently obtain the points and SDGtokens. This is where the BLOCKCHAIN will shine. Participants will quickly learn that the underlying tracking system of the Race to SDG is infallible, and unlike other games, deception and shortcuts don’t win. The first level will be a familiarization or learning level, with greater margins of error for mistakes and miscalculations. Bonus points for posting #SDGchallenge – what I learned about solutions to the Global Goals in ………


At the next level up, (level 2) less developed regions off the main road, the opportunity to interact with locals is more limited and the seeking, finding and matching of SDG  Solutions in the Quizzes, Tasks and Contributions is more difficult to find. Naturally level 2 interactions are more valuable for both parties – the tourist “seeker”, the competitive ranking of the interacting local SDG community member and the defined SDG Friendly Community itself. Locations and Timestamped Blockchain Registered Points and Tokens from previous level 1 Checkpoints can open up secret paths to interesting and more valuable Quizzes, Tasks and Contribution opportunities in level 2, potentially revealing hidden treasures, [Easter eggs – Nepali equivalent?] all the while building up the traveller’s Social Credit faster by taking the “Road less travelled”  “off the beaten path”.  Easier access for those with larger followings on social media who share #SDGchallenge #RacetoSDG travel stories.


The top level (level 3) is the most difficult and restricted destination level to enter – you must have honestly earned adequate Caring Currency points and SDGtokens from both level 1 and level 2 to get the required permits for level 3. Maybe you are citizen-scientist, a teacher, a birdwatcher or flower-lover, a photographer,  filmmaker or social media blogger that will let the world know “How you got there”, “why it’s so special” and “the honour it is to be a guest of this community”. Being allowed to pass through the checkpoints at Level 3 represents the “prize” destinations of the country – Rara Lake – Everest – delicate places of rare and exclusive beauty where tourism impacts are high, but clearly welcoming to those who have earned their way. This level is also the masters’ level of interaction with local communities – remember the purpose of the Race to SDG – to achieve the 17 Global Goals by 2030 – So level 3 is where the model SDG Behaviour exists among the communities and visitors – everyone in the community is “on board” working to solve the goals – no litter, no pollution, carefully protected water sources, swift and severe punishment for those who damage the communities rating and ranking, and a civilized competition to be the most SDG-Friendly community in the world.


Introducing the potential for a LOHHAS Lifestyle of Health, Happiness And Sustainability based on BLOCKCHAIN Technology – to serve the most vulnerable and power the SDG Challenge – the Sustainable Development Goals.

Images from Western Nepal


The McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce

The Hong-Kong based McMaster Institute, named after the McMaster family and their generational characteristics of public service, care and safeguarding, intellectual anti-elitism, anti-fascism and general concern for the world, is applying to a UNICEF program to fund BLOCKCHAIN developments, that will – of course – help children.

As the African saying goes: “it takes a village to raise a child” therefore we fundamentally we need to improve the ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) of community members to immediately and urgently address the Sustainable Development Goals of ALL our human communities.

In his travels, Philip McMaster (aka Blockchain Bethune) has met UNICEF workers who support the efforts to develop new ways of funding / financing and expanding the opportunities for individuals to “Be Part Of the Solution” and be rewarded and supported for their altruistic efforts. The 3 minute video below is a rough introduction for the selections committee to understand our effort to create an open-source, peer-to-peer blockchain-based “Direct Donation” system to promote solving the SDG’s before 2030.


UPDATE April 26th 2018: We have been shortlisted by UNICEF to expand on our project – Looking for meaningful work? Join our team_\!/



Version 1

Version 2

The Spirit Of Bethune encourages the






SDG Token


img_4795Introduced at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP22) in Marrakech Morocco, November 16, 2016 – the SDG Token is a pioneering effort to balance SOCIETY, ENVIRONMENT & ECONOMY through attractive “gamification” and the use of “emotipoints” and meaningful, valuable, immutable cryptocurrency tokens on the BLOCKCHAIN.


Tragedy of the Horizon

Clearly, our personal and global problems are caused by our own attitudes, weaknesses, ignorance and poorly considered actions in the world – most of which are selfish and are resulting in the “Tragedy Of the Commons”, or as Mark Carney the governor of the Bank of England stated, the “Tragedy of the Horizon”.


The ultimate goal of the new “game” is to solve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) by first –

img_48331.) solving and balancing the social, environmental and economic challenges in our own lives and begin living a LOHHAS lifestyle. (PERSONAL TASKS)


img_47962.) automatically creating an Ecological Civilization by generating goodwill and identifying and realizing personally meaningful and profitable community-based opportunities for greater sustainable prosperity. (SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP in the COMMUNITY)

climate83.) preparing ourselves for a rapidly changing world, politically, environmentally and economically, by building valuable SOCIAL CREDIT.  Using Seratio “Proof Of Personal Value” and different forms of non-monetary Caring Currency, (including the SDG TOKEN), the “game” will finally extend and represent your personal contributions and value beyond your known family and friends, to the world.






The SDG token is a member of the Caring Currency family – virtual currencies that are exclusively non-monetary and social, and cryptocurrencies that clearly support social and environmental objectives using the SDG Global Goals as a guide.

The SDG token has 18 million units – representing the 17 Goals + One =18

The 17 million SDG tokens will be distributed in the blockchain world economy exclusively among Citizens of Conscience.

1 million tokens will be distributed over the years up to 2030 by the Council Of Care, citizens of the Republic Of Conscience who, by blockchain-based and recorded curation, voting and consensus will decide the recipients of Caring Currency tokens current citizens or not, and the quantities and type delivered.


The Republic Of Conscience, World Sustainability Project,  McMaster Institute and a number of other relatively new institutions are frustrated with the lack of passion, commitment and speed of execution to solve the SDG’s, what we believe are the most pressing issues of our time.

Therefore we are not waiting for anyone’s permission to save the planet from our own destruction. The SDG’s initiated by 195 countries around the planet URGENTLY need help to implement solutions.

Many Citizens of Conscience are disgusted with the current powers that be and their selfish, money-oriented decision-making that negatively affects the health and happiness of the rest of us and our only home.

We, the Citizens of the Republic Of Conscience have taken on the Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) to develop a holistic, planet-wide project that:

Raises AWARENESS of the problems, (CHANGE WEDNESDAY, )

Raises FUNDING for those who are actively and honestly working on solutions (ATHchallenge, SDGchallenge

Educates HUMANS to become Citizens Of Conscience


The Republic Of Conscience NEEDS YOU to help develop the following SDG services as websites, APPs, documentation, s:

SDGtoken and SDGcoin

A directory of services, information and solutions to the Global Goals powered by customized search engine.

A social media based information and reminder system of pro-social and pro-environment behaviours

Closely linked with,


Go to: or www.17plus.ONE