TRYji is a hybrid of Traditional Chinese and Indian Health and Fitness Culture
Part Of the Solution – Part Of the LOHHAS LIFESTYLE PROGRAM_\!/
Introduced at the 1st World Taiji Culture Festival in Nanshan Resort, Sanya, Hainan Province China, “TRY JI” is a branded lifestyle program to attract new people to the sport and philosophy of Taiji (Tai Chi) along with the health benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Especially effective in communicating with people outside China, who do not understand Chinese culture, “Try Ji” is a refreshing new start for young and old_\!/
Move over Kung-Fu Panda, here comes Taiji Panda_\!/
Introduced as the “Nanshan Declaration” at the 1st World Taiji Fesitval at Nanshan in Sanya, “Balance Day” program is promoted in cooperation with local government for citizens to live a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) EVERY Wednesday_\!/
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