

 3 Ways to Invest in the Republic Of Conscience:


(This page is under construction – please use it ONLY AS A GENERAL IDEA of the funding methods we are developing for the Republic Of Conscience… any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated )




1.)    Contribute directly to the ROC DAO or your favourite program of the World Sustainability Project (see below) via the Peace Plus One Fund.

Be specially recognized as a founding citizen of our Republic Of Conscience as we expand, leading the world to do good.

Earn Emotipoints and choose the Recognition you deserve:

Give* Qty EMP Recognition title and naming rights on virtual real estate of the Republic
to the ROCDAO / Peace Plus One Fund, Republic Of Conscience TBD Governor of your State Of Mind
TBD Global Conscience Ambassador
TBD State Of Mind Ambassador
TBD Community Ambassador
TBD Citizen Of Conscience

*as a Major Private Contributor to the Republic Of Conscience or ROCDAO, your level of contribution  grants you voting rights and the right to the title you wish, as a leader in the Republic Of Conscience.

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LEND Yourself to the ROCDAO

2.) Lend your time and decision-making expertise to the Sustainability DAO (ROCDAO) and you will earn Emotipoints, investing your Social Capital and earning Social Credit

Lend your expertise
Votes ROI*** Value
Full contributor full TBD Tokens
Strong Contributor strong TBD Tokens
Average Contributor average TBD Tokens
Light Contributor light 0 Tokens

**as a Lender, please consider donating the equivalent of 1 bitcoin to become a recognized Leading Citizen Of Conscience.

*** Due to the nature of the risks involved in the newly developing BLOCKCHAIN industry,  we cannot guarantee any ROI on investments beyond our control. However, with our reputation at stake, (which we value above all else),  we commit to transparency, honesty and accountability in matters within our control.


1.)    Contribute your advice, expertise and traditional resources including fiat money to the creation, development, promotion and success of the SustainabilityDAOCaring Currency, 3B/LOHHAS Validation Program, the Peace Plus One Fund, World Sustainability Project, the Republic Of Conscience and the McMaster Institute.

All accounting for investments in the related programs is done in Hong Kong by a Certified Financial Planner. (Name and credentials provided to investors.)


How will your Bitcoin / Etherium contribution be used?

doc_MG_9706 Your Bitcoin / Etherium will not be converted into fiat currency – it will remain in bitcoin or in the case of the Sustainability DAO, Etherium, circulated within the emerging and growing virtual coin ecosystem and the Republic Of Conscience, invested in 3rd Sector organizations who are building the sustainable economy, with a portion of the proceeds invested to benefit the following projects:


World Sustainability Project

1.)    The research, development and launch of Caring Currency project.

2.)    Further expansion of the 3 Finger Wednesday sustainability program.

3.)    Development of the 3B LOHHAS Validation Program (Be, Buy Boost Sustainable People, Products and Places to live a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability)

4.)    Developing EDUCATIONAL CONTENT and establishing the SustAGENCY and RCTV IPTV network.

5.)    Expansion of Caravan Of Care program.

6.)    Expansion of Miss LOHHAS & Models Of Sustainability Beauty Pageant.

7.)    77th Anniversary year of “Bai Qiu En”

8.)    Training, merchandise and promotional materials supporting all programs.


 Step 1.

Transparently explain all programs and meet to sign contractors agreement at your convenience.

Step 2.

Transfer value to the account of the LOHHAS DAO or the McMASTER INSTITUTE

Step 3.

Within a few months of your successful contributions, you will be invited as an honoured guest to participate in the next event of the Republic Of Conscience:

–           Caring Currency Inaugural Dinner (Sanya / Hong Kong)

–          3 Way Beauty Pageant – Miss LOHHAS and Models Of Sustainability (Sanya)

–          Become a special adviser or board member on the Caring Currency Governance Panel / Peace Plus One Fund.

–          Participate in the Gala Persimmon Dinner (Beijing)

–          Be on the GUEST LIST for the Award Ceremony to receive your Certificate of Appreciation from the World Sustainability Organization.


Our inaugural investment period will end Wednesday August 3rd at 11:57pm. Please participate in this first round and consider joining us as a special adviser, curator or exclusive board member.


 Willing to Help?

Please contact us by phone, email, QQ or Weixin, so that our CFP (Certified Financial Planner)  can discuss details with you. Send and email to WorldSustainability (at) gmail or RepublicOfConscience (at) gmail  dotcom



Peace Plus One_\!/

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