What are YOU doing in the Republic Of Conscience?…
2019 is going to be an important year… last year’s crazy weather, politics, social and economic tipping points as well as the frightening IPCC and Club of Rome reports have left little doubt that we’re in for an even crazier ride into the future.
As you will discover, ConscienceLAND / The Republic Of Conscience is a long-term effort of the McMaster Institute for Sustainable Development in Commerce to develop a MASS MOBILIZATION of societies around the world with a common goal: the www.SDGchallenge.com
(You can become a Patreon supporter here: Patreon.com/PhilipMcMaster )
Clearly, we must begin the nearly impossible job of turning this ship around… we need RADICAL departures from “Business As Usual” thinking and must non-violently DEFY the Invisible Hand of those (evil) forces that would exploit our children’s future for today’s profit.
Listening to increasingly brave and credible scientists you might think that there is no hope – that we will turn Earth into Venus with runaway global warming in the very near future
– But we must have hope in humanity’s ability to WAKE UP –
I hope the scientists are off by millenia or at least a few centuries, but if their 10-years-or-less projections and timing turn out to be correct, why not use the knowledge and the tools we have right now to make the world a better place for our children?
As the co-founder of the Institute and initiatives like Dragonpreneur, the World Sustainability Project, ConscienceLAND, Marry the Earth, and the guy that goes around China as Blockchain Bethune and to United Nations conferences dressed as SustainaClaus, in 2019 McMaster Institute co-founder Philip McMaster is determined to WRITE THE BOOK/ A BOOK about his work and vision on how we can MOBILIZE the MASSES of humanity (EarthMobilization) to Earn their Citizenship (behavioural change) in ConscienceLAND and through transparent A-I and the Blockchain Republic Of Conscience –
Explore: take a look around this ConscienceLAND Archive
Important Development
Download Vitalik Buterin’s latest paper: “Liberal Radicalism Formal Rules for a Society Neutral among Communities” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3243656
and IMAGINE ConscienceLAND.
ConscienceLAND News
ConscienceLAND was described in Yahoo news (with full text HERE ) at Finwise HK as a pathway to solving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) with the help of AI in an article by Kenny Au (Lower right in front of Sophia):
“McMaster further reinforced all the points made at the panel discussion by showing how collaborative effort can make the world a better place. Referring to ConscienceLAND, which is building resilience and capacity in normal, everyday citizens to earn Universal Social Credit, will help people become the solution to the problems the world currently has.”
The Republic Of Conscience / ConscienceLAND is growing fast with new members, coaches and ambassadors joining everyday through Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and personal referral (copy and paste in your browser) https://upvir.al/56325/ConscienceLAND Click here to join… so don’t miss out, start earning your Universal Social Credit points today_\!/
You’ve heard of the Amazing Race, now there’s the amazing Race to SDG_\!/
(FIND OUT MORE at SDGchallenge.com) The ATH Race / Race to SDG is an EXPERIMENTAL series of FUNdraising expeditions and races for the new virtual currency economy of the Republic Of Conscience.
Through the ConscienceLAND donation platform, fans of digital assets (currencies) will be able to donate directly to specific NGO’s and Social Enterprises, or in general support of one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (17PlusONE) creating the SDG17index, curated by the Council Of Conscience and distributed by the Council Of Care. See 2minute presentation Link: https://youtu.be/6i-Z9XDtANs
The ATH Race – It’s AMAZING_\!/ – Join the ATH Climb now…
Join the exclusive experiment, collect a Virtual Team of ATH Climbers to carry your favourite coin or token to an All Time High in the 17index of ConscienceLAND.
We’re developing a new experimental type of blockchain-based environment called “ConscienceLAND” where YOU CHOOSE, with YOUR conscience, who YOU Support to solve the SDG Challenge_\!/
You CHOOSE Your FAVORITE NGO/Social Enterprise…
The first to benefit will be NGO’s in Nepal, home of the highest (and most polluted) mountain in the world, where solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals are needed urgently. APPLY HERE to be listed among the first NGO’s and Social Enterprises to be directly benefitting from contributions of digital assets.
Your FAVORITE currency
Become a VC (Virtual Climber) in the ATH Race to solve the SDG Challenge… donate to any of the most popular digital asset columns and watch your team WIN_\!/
SIGN UP for CITIZENSHIP NOW_\!/ www.CaringCurrency.com
(FIND OUT MORE at SDGchallenge.com)
Greetings from COP23 and COY13_\!/
www.BlockChainToBONN.com at the COP23 UN Climate Change Conference in BONN Germany. The Republic Of Conscience is everywhere, including the places where people come together to solve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) With Civil Society and the thousands of Citizens of Conscience of the Republic Of Conscience at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP23) in BONN Germany, there is a great opportunity to share “How the Blockchain Saved the World”.
Profile video, articles and Photos of SustainaClaus in Germany can be found here:
GETTY IMAGES Street Banner . #1 Reflections on the Rhine Hello Everyone_\!/ …here’s an important message and LIMITED TIME OPPORTUNITY from the Republic Of Conscience…
let’s work together to help the world change for the better …
EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT “Cryptocurrency” – but these ones are for Good, not Greed
In these exciting times the www.RepublicOfConscience.com will soon be issuing the first of a series of “Caring Currency” virtual assets on the Blockchain. The World is WAKING UP to the fact that we are missing Individual Social Responsiblity (ISR) that is making the difference between our civilization’s success or failure, in the delicate balance of Society, the Environment and the Economy… <Link to WakeUP video> Caring Currency is the new type of “Social Currency” for making friends and a more secure and prosperous future for the planet_\!/ Get on the GOOD LIST (including limited FREE TOKENS) – Subscribe to Caring Currency Now
…and show the world that there are thousands upon thousands of good, caring people that want to participate in living a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS)_\!/ (Check out these Sustainable Celebrities sharing Selfie3’s and Wefi3’s) AMBASSADOR POSITIONS AVAILABLE
We offer you the opportunity to be an independent, decentralized Ambassador of Change for the BLOCKCHAIN Republic Of Conscience… in the Spirit Of Bethune. The first 30 “Ambassadors Of Change” to 1.) inspire, 2.) post on social media 3.) and forward the most Selfie3’s (3 Finger Photos) ..of their friends and followers (matched with their electronic address) over the next few weeks will become the Official Co-Founding Independent Ambassadors of the Republic Of Conscience_\!/ Once you and your pioneering friends are on the list as co-founders, and you maintain your “Free Citizenship” status, you will be eligible and first to receive a limited number of free “Caring Currency” tokens and coins as they are issued over the years to come… (however, “no Selfie3” photo, no Free pre-distribution ) . WeChat groups are great – Just make sure EVERY Free Citizen has posted their Selfie3_\!/ You can contact us through Linkedin, Facebook (search “3FingerW” ) or email WorldSustainability (a] gmail.com
Join the ALLIES, BUDDIES and COLLABORATORS with the World Sustainability Project, Centre for Citizenship and Governance, MCMASTER INSTITUTE and Republic Of Conscience at the United Nations Headquarters in New York USA on March 6th 2017 for “Power Of Collaboration” Global Summit. Positive stories of successful social enterprise are emerging from the ALLIES, BUDDIES and COLLABORATORS of the Republic Of Conscience – around the world, weekly “CHANGE WEDNESDAY” Roadshows and Hack-a-thons are bringing together passionate COLLABORATORS determined to solve as many of the 17 Goals as possible. BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE to the Republic Of Conscience NOW, to be eligible for Goodies in the future
Joining the Caring Currency (.CC) Family:
SDGcoin.CC / SDGtoken.CC
The Caring Currency “SDG token” is the first globally distributed token issued in support of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) – leveraging technology, investment and philanthropy to achieve the 17Plus.ONE Goals by the deadline of 2030. The SDG token / coin stores value, transfers credit, is collectable and builds the reputation of Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and is an excellent BLOCKCHAIN ONRAMP.
TECHNOLOGY – The technology is the BLOCKCHAIN – the global trust machine INVESTMENT – Investment from Peer 2 Peer, Crowdsourcing, Traditional and Impact Investing PHILANTHROPY – Citizens Of Conscience who contribute to humankind’s welfare are also philanthropists.
Happy New Year_\!/
Short Skit to introduce WAKE UP ~ HEADS UP ~ CHANGE WEDNESDAY_\!/ Subscribe here: at Caring Currency
The GLOBAL GOALS BANNER is coming to your community.. help us send a message to the world – We Are Part Of the Solution_\!/
WORLD SUSTAINABILITY NEWS UPDATE: SustainaClaus is on our side_\!/
Holiday Season interview by Feiy Social Networking describing the philosophy of SustainaClaus and the support of the www.17PlusONE.com Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
URGENT ACTION IS NEEDED – SustainaClaus’s home is melting!!!
SustainaClaus wishes you live a Happy, Healthy and Sustainable 2017 – SMILE, CHANGE and UNPLUG every CHANGE WEDNESDAY, and live a LOHHAS.com lifestyle – SOLVING THE 17plusONE Sustainable Development Goals step-by-step _\!/ See the full article at: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xAqrDhrJr3XQjwxBARXRVw and more information at SustainaClaus.com

Climate Justice BLOCKCHAIN to MARRAKECH March – November 13 2016
A long train of Citizens Of Conscience and Climate Champions from Civil Society marched in the streets of Marrakech including people of all ages with the CHANGE WEDNESDAY and 17 plus ONE banner in English and Arabic_\!/
Join us on Thursday, November 10th from 12:00 NOON to 14:00 at the YOUTH SPACE (see photo) in the United Nations Climate Change Conference GREEN ZONE for a 2 hour presentation and discussion of HOW THE BLOCKCHAIN SAVED THE WORLD and Solved the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
UPDATE: Very successful talk on November 10th, with GLOBAL interest in solving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with “Personal Technology” via BLOCKCHAIN TECH. DOWNLOAD the Presentation HERE: http://www.republicofconscience.com/blockchain/cop22-presentation/
Be Part Of the Solution and Support the Republic Of Conscience at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP22) in Marrakesh Morocco. BLOCKCHAIN SUPPORTERS are sponsoring Philip McMaster, the 3rd Sector BLOCKCHAIN Ambassador to the United Nations Climate Change Conference to share the great initiative of the Republic Of Conscience and GREATER BLOCKCHAIN community.
Join us in MARRAKECH_\!/
http://www.tudou.com/v/jtiWQK_a-fY/&resourceId=0_04_05_99/v.swf (BELOW) VIDEO Presentation in Beijing about the BLOCKCHAIN and FINANCIAL INCLUSION Part 2 – http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTY5MzY5NTQxMg==/v.swf
CHANGE WEDNESDAY is the Global Campaign to officially “CHANGE WEDNESDAY” to the day every week when we live a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (www.LOHHAS.com), making positive, sustainable, personal change our priority. SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG_\!/ On CHANGE WEDNESDAY November 16th 2016, the Republic Of Conscience will make its presentation www.HOWtheBLOCKCHAINsavedTheWORLD.com and hold information sessions to “officially” launch the SDG Game Token in the U.N.’s Civil Society Green Zone.
Find out how YOU CAN BE AT THE UN MEETING IN MARRAKECH_\!/ English / Chinese INVITATION to Participate in Marrakech
Is there a CRISIS of Consciousness?
The most exciting thing to come along in a long time is the BLOCKCHAIN..
The BLOCKCHAIN is a recent development from the “virtual currency” called Bitcoin. Today, just a few years after it was invented in 2009 there are many good people around the planet working on the platform of the BLOCKCHAIN to create a fresh new “decentralized”, “peer-to-peer” world we can be proud of.
It’s very exciting for the Republic Of Conscience, because our “State Of Mind” was conceived from an early understanding of the potential of the BLOCKCHAIN to create a virtual Republic Of “Like-Minds” – conscious and conscientious humans around the world who believe in honesty, fairness, Individual Social Responsibility (ISR), equal opportunity and rule by consensus, not by privilege, corruption or dictatorship.
We’ve been discussing and planning the Republic Of Conscience for years as a way to achieve the most noble goals of humanity – by mobilizing the best minds in the world – to solve the BIG PROBLEMS outlined by the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Meanwhile Closer to Home… Peer 2 Peer CHANGEWEDNESDAY.com
Everyone involved in the World Sustainability Project celebrates “CHANGE WEDNESDAY” – the day EVERY WEEK when we SMILE~CHANGE~UNPLUG and STEP BY STEP solve OUR OWN SUSTAINABILITY PROBLEMS – in our homes, our workplaces, our schools and our community.
In the first few months of 2016, a perfect opportunity for the Republic Of Conscience has come into the light – the creation and release of “THE DAO” (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) on the Etherium BLOCKCHAIN. The Republic Of Conscience was conceived based of the principles of the traditional Chinese DAO and giving back to the community. Now the world community can BEGIN TO SOLVE THE BIG GLOBAL PROBLEMS by funding the Republic Of Conscience and the Citizens of Conscience through the new BLOCKCHAIN-based “The DAO”.
This first experiment as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is considered to be similar to a redistribution funding vehicle or Venture Capital (VC) organization, however with no central control, and contracts fulfilled “Automatically” based on the voting agreement (consensus) of investors.
Philip McMaster (DaLong) Co-Founder of the Republic Of Conscience presents the how the DAO can serve the Sustainability goals of the United Nations: INVEST IN YOURSELF_\!/
Philip McMaster (DaLong) is Co-Founder of the Republic Of Conscience, World Sustainability Project, McMASTER INSTITUTE for Sustainable Development in Commerce, PlanetPRENEUR,

The People’s Republic Of Conscience was everywhere at COY11 and COP21 PARIS in the Spirit Of SustainaClaus.
Visit the Republic Of Conscience SUMMER 2015
LOHHAS APP – Join the TEAM at the World Sustainability Project – Be a Founder and Contribute YOUR Expertise to the “APP that Changed the World” http://worldsustainability.org/lohhas/app/
Interesting “Guerilla Film” displayed at RCTV, touching on concepts of freedom, justice and harmony embraced by the Republic Of Conscience.
Part of the “Silk Road Map to PARIS”, the McMaster Institute co-founder presents workshops at Fifth Green Planet Forum SHANGHAI
OUR BIG GOAL… \!/_(^-^)_\!/
China’s SILK ROADMAP to PARIS June to December 2015
Participate in the Journey , 3 Finger Challenge and Opportunity for Chinese people throughout China as they live a Lifestyle Of Health, Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) in their daily lives, especially on 3 Finger Wednesday, when we SMILE ~ CHANGE ~ UNPLUG_\!/ Silk Road Map Details for Supporters/Sponsors: Republic Of Conscience Silk Road Map Details for Participants: www.Sust10.com
Nanmu Tree Meeting Table
Join us at the NanmuTree Meeting Table. Help LCP the Low Carbon Panda discover the Secret to Sustainability in a visit to the Republic Of Conscience
Look here for May NEWS
EARTH DAY 4.22, HAPPY 3 Finger Wednesday_\!/
In SHANGHAI we will be at 11/f, 2 of Gold Hongqiao Center, Loushanguan Road 533, Changning District 早安伙伴们,今天是4.22世界地球日,记得参与3 Finger 的周三聚会_\!/ 我们今天聚会的地址是:娄山关路533号金虹桥中心2座11楼 靠近茅台路 宜信财富 7:00PM #duang ~ @duang ~ duang_\!/ IN BEIJING: 东直门内大街277号地铁商业大厦地下追梦派密室逃脱 7:00PM TALENT SEARCH: 我们正在为 6月18日活力地球音乐会寻找中外音乐家、诗人和作曲家。带上你的朋友一起来参加吧_\!/ http://www.Sust10.com TALENT SEARCH: We are looking for Chinese and Foreign musicians, poets and songwriters for the Beijing edition of the global LIVE EARTH CONCERT June 18th. Come and join us with your friends_\!/ http://www.WorldSustainability.Org in BEIJING: “Dream Pi” is basement level of Building B1. Exit Line 5 Beixinqiao subway station from Exit “B” turn right, see “Dream Pi” gate, look left to Building B1, enter and go downstairs… join us at 7:00pm_\!/ http://www.wechat3.com/ MORE INFORMATION: SEARCH #3FingerW
The Republic Of Conscience & World Sustainability Project
Agents Of Change for Society the Environment & Economy
Today there are many predictions of Irreversible Collapse (Guardian) Economic Collapse, Nature’s support systems collapsing around us, and many Societies either falling into greedy, competitive zombie-like consumer trances or increasingly violent rejection of the 1% status quo…
Citizens Of Conscience are NOT “ Survivalists” … we’re Sustainablists… we’re not rejecting or distancing ourselves from society – we’re taking Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) – with a FUN, POSITIVE APPROACH of preparing, socializing and ADAPTING to the emerging realities of our world.
The BIG LIE that we are each others’ enemies, competitors and adversaries and separate from the natural world that supports all life has wrecked our social lives and our relationship with the natural world. We have lost our conscious connection with the great consciousness – the organizing system of life. Deep science and mysticism have been saying the same thing throughout human history – we create the world around us through our thoughts, perspectives and attitudes.. And that’s how the Republic Of Conscience came into being, and we WELCOME YOU HOME.
Millions of human animals around the planet are already Citizens Of the Republic Of Conscience.. They haven’t claimed their share of territory yet…
How do you claim your part of the emerging world history?
– Send in a 3 Finger Photo – a Selfie3.com – for a minimum 30 RMB donation, you will be issued a raw 3 Finger Share ( validated share certificate add’l fee) in addition to a corresponding amount of Caring Currency to share and Pay It Forward to friends, family and deserving strangers. – Write a song for the upcoming LIVE EARTH CONCERT June 18th 2015 – UpLoad your 3 Finger Signature Photo (Selfie3) to the 3 Finger LOHHAS Map – SMILE ~ CHANGE and UNPLUG (…your STUFF and YOURSELF for 3 hours) every 3 Finger Wednesday_\!/ – Participate in 3 Finger Events_\!/ Marry The Earth Miss LOHHAS and Models Of Sustainability Persimmon Dinner
Why do we need to become Citizens Of Conscience?
Read this sobering article…
The Coming Climate Crash–Lessons for Climate Change in the 2008 Recession
This article by Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, was distributed by Helena Ou, from the British Embassy Climate Office – Thank-you for sharing Helena!
3 Finger Photo Contest:
The Republic Of Conscience is looking for “Citizens Of the World”
Sharing their thought leadership and ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) by participating in the 3 Finger Photo Contest English version: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjY4NTc0NDIw.html Chinese version: http://v.youku.com/v_
In The Republic Of Conscience…
2014 Starts with 3 Finger Wednesday…
2013 was YEAR ZERO, now you can become a CITIZEN OF CONSCIENCE in YEAR ONE (Starting 3 Finger Wednesday, January 1st 2014) Happy New Year “ONE”

RSVP NOW, Before it’s too late_\!/

Holiday Cheer in the Republic of Walking the Dog.
Once you accept your *ISR, you can take Part in the Solution.. FOR FREE
Go to PARTICIPATION page to learn more: http://www.republicofconscience.com/participation/
Please send us the name you wish to be known by and confirmation of your donation, if you want to be listed as a supporter of the World Sustainability Project and a founder of the Republic Of Conscience, send us the details by email, at: RepublicOfConscience [a} gmail
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